Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Neighborhood Know it All

Hi Everyone,
Do you have a neighborhood know it all? You know that person that always knows whats going on, the one that tells everyone what they know, Well I have decided to turn that into a Real Estate advantage, Now when I list a home, I ask the sellers, Who is the neighborhood know it all? and then I make sure to stop by their home and personally tell them about my listing, give them flyers and invite them to the Open house, This way, they do know it all and when they are talking to everyone they know, they can give them a flyer, and talk about the house, because they are going to talk about it anyway, so why not give them the correct information and just maybe they will help sell the home.

so a neighborhood know it all is not always a bad thing!

Make it a great day!
Pam Schroeder

ps. and remember, if you or anyone you know are thinking about buying or selling a home, don't forget to ask yourself have you "GOT PAM" for all your real estate needs?

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